Workshops and Professional Learning
From online courses to safety tutorials, find additional education opportunities and resources to enhance your teaching. Items are sorted into five categories: Online Courses, Teaching Methods, Laboratory Resources, AP Chemistry Resources, and Workshops. Available on-demand unless otherwise noted.
Online Courses
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Teacher Portal
Check out all of the professional development and other teaching resources available on the AAPT Teacher Portal.
Annenberg Learner
Looking for resources and professional development to increase your expertise and improve your teaching? Annenberg Learner resources include online professional development and teacher resources, including videos and lesson plans, across the curriculum.
Beyond Benign Professional Development Events for Science Educators
Browse the upcoming professional development events from Beyond Benign on their events calendar.
Beyond Benign Green Chemistry Online Courses
Beyond Benign offers online professional development courses throughout the year. The courses are taught by Beyond Benign Certified Lead Teachers who have experience teaching green chemistry and developing green chemistry curriculum. Contact Janie Butler,, for more information.
Flinn Scientific - Chemistry teaching resources all in one location
Browse activities and videos to use in your chemistry classroom. Discover tools to implement for a safer lab. Find answers to your questions about chemical safety and disposal; tips for chemical storage and professional development.
Harvard University Online Learning
Expand your horizons and enroll in one of hundreds of free, credit or open certificate courses through Harvard University’s Online Learning program.
Illinois State University Graduate Courses
A series of graduate level courses that will take your chemistry teaching to a higher level. In these courses, you will learn novel demonstrations, laboratory experiments, and teaching activities along with the fundamental concepts upon which these activities are based. These courses also count towards course requirements for the Master of Chemistry Education (MCE) and Master of Science in Chemistry Education (MSCE) degrees.
Knowles Teacher Initiative Professional Learning
Knowles offers professional learning courses and workshops for high school science and mathematics teachers. Their online courses include six-week options with the opportunity to earn graduate credit through SNHU, as well as 90-minute workshops. Three-day in-person courses are offered for more in-depth engagement and learning.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) OpenCourseWare (OCW)
Increase your personal knowledge and improve your curriculum by taking an MIT course. OCW shares the materials used in MIT's courses on the Web.
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Science Education Events and Program
Looking for professional development opportunities in your area? Search for workshops, courses, science events, and more by date, location, and grade level with the interactive calendar on the Science Education Events and Programs webpage.
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Web Seminars
The NSTA offers a variety of web seminars on a continuing basis. Click here to see the upcoming schedule.
Online Science Courses from edX
Science is one of the most popular subjects on edX and online courses range from beginner to advanced levels. Areas of study include neuroscience, genotyping, DNA methylation, innovations in environmental science, modern astrophysics and more from top universities and institutions worldwide.Some courses, such as Climate Change: The Science, are self-paced. Others, such as The Quantum World or Principles of Biochemistry, run on a set schedule.
Teaching Methods
American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA)
AMTA is an professional organization of teachers, by teachers and for teachers who utilize Modeling Instruction in their Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teaching practice.
Chemistry in the Community (ChemCom) Webinars
Are you using or thinking about using the Chemistry in the Community textbook in your classroom? Take advantage of the webinars that are available for each unit to increase your understanding of the text, learn about teaching techniques, and find out about student labs and activities.
Flip Learning Community
Thinking about taking the plunge and flipping your classroom? Attend one of the regional events offered by the Flip Learning Network.
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)
Are you interested in learning more about guided inquiry learning and finding ways to implement it in your classroom? Find a POGIL workshop or summit in your area.
Laboratory Resources
Flinn Laboratory Safety Courses
Opportunities for classroom and laboratory safety via safety seminars, safety workshops, and safety-related email from Flinn Scientific.
Flinn Scientific Laboratory Safety Demonstration Videos
It is the instructor's responsibility and duty to train and remind students in lab safety. Utilize these free videos to reinforce safety within your academic lab.
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Safety in the Classroom
One of the most important responsibilities of a chemistry teacher is getting their students to follow lab safety rules and using correct techniques. Flinn’s Laboratory Safety Challenge will allow you to teach these things to your students through role-playing, making observations, and developing common-sense in the laboratory.
PASCO Scientific Online Training
Join PASCO trainers for online, live, and interactive training about the use of their probeware, software, hardware, and curriculum solutions.If you’re interested but can’t attend live you can register anyway and you’ll receive a link to the session recording about a day after it's held.
Chemistry Experiences and Experiments for Learning
From Stanford Graduate School of Education at the Center to Support Excellence in teaching, this course will allow teachers to work with a set of chemistry experiences and experiments that can foster student learning and expand high-leverage, core teaching practices in chemistry. The course is available during this summer, fall and spring.
The Laboratory Safety Institute (LSI) Online Courses
LSI offers 1, 2, and 3 day, self-paced lab safety courses. All courses are ongoing and include electronic copies of the course materials and references. An instructor is available for questions.
AP Chemistry Resources
AP Chemistry Course Home Page
Visit the official College Board AP Chemistry course home page at AP Central.
AP Chemistry Teacher Community
The community is a professional learning network that connects AP Chemistry teachers worldwide. It includes resources, discussion, and support from other educators that will help you in your classroom.
College Board AP Professional Development Calendar
Visit AP Central to search and register for AP Chemistry teacher workshops during the upcoming months.
American Modeling Teachers Association (AMTA) Professional Development
Follow this link to find a list of Modeling Workshops that are being planned for the coming months. Whether they will actually occur depends upon enrollment and funding. Most are three-week summer workshops that thoroughly treat the pedagogy and content for a high school physics, chemistry, physical science or biology course.
Fermilab Educator/Teacher Workshops
Fermilab educator workshops provide K–12 teachers with proven classroom activities and strategies for teaching challenging topics in an engaging way.
NSTA Virtual Conferences
If you have a limited travel budget and want to improve your skills, NSTA offers virtual conferences on topics that are important to science teachers. Click here to find out when our next conference will take place.
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) Workshops
Are you interested in learning more about guided inquiry learning and finding ways to implement it in your classroom? Find a POGIL workshop or summit in your area.