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151 – 175 of 218 Webinars

  • January 23, 2018 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Particle-Level Inquiry Chemistry Activities Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Learn about particle-level chemistry activities for your chemistry course. All activities were developed and tested as part of the Target Inquiry program. They can be used at all levels of high school chemistry and aligned well with NGSS standards.

  • January 17, 2018 | Teaching Resources Use Other People’s Money to Enhance Your Classroom Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Learn about grant opportunities available to high school chemistry teachers from the American Chemical Society and the process for writing a fundable proposal. Presenter Kenetia Thompson works in the Education Division of the American Chemical Society and oversees the grant programs. She will be joined by past grant recipients who will talk about the process and how they used their funding.

  • December 06, 2017 | Lab & Safety, Advanced Chemistry, Technology Integrating Virtual Labs into the AP/IB Chemistry Curriculum Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Virtual chemistry labs can not only help teachers meet specific learning targets in the AP chemistry curriculum, but they also enable students to take an investigative and experimental approach to learning chemistry. Virtual labs can bring textbook concepts to life as students run "what if" experiments on their laptops.

  • November 08, 2017 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Resources Chemistry on a Budget: Green and Effective Labs on a Dime Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    Chemistry teachers from all types of schools around the country are tasked with teaching a well-rounded chemistry course that has robust and safe lab activities. Unfortunately, many do not have the resources to order chemicals and lab supplies from traditional sources. Luckily for them, Beyond Benign has lots of safe, green, and robust laboratory experiments for high school chemistry that use common household items that are not only inexpensive, but easy to find. In this webinar, Annette Sebuyira will share her experiences using Beyond Benign resources to teach chemistry at various levels to her students at Guilderland High School in New York. You will also hear from Mollie Enright, a Program Manager at Beyond Benign, and learn about the variety of free, high school resources available for download from their website.

  • November 01, 2017 | Teaching Resources Leadership and STEM Learning with the Einstein Fellowship Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    The Albert Einstein Fellowship brings K-12 STEM educators together from across the country to tap into their experiences to shape and lead the conversation around STEM at a national level. During this webinar, Einstein Fellows and alumni will share their unique experiences they have been granted with fellow educators, discuss what they’ve learned about teacher leadership, and provide some insight into a day in the life of an Einstein Fellow.

  • October 25, 2017 | Teaching Resources The Rocky Road to Chemistry Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Rocks and minerals can bring chemical principles "down to earth" through teacher demos and student hands-on activities. We will explore a variety of lesser known ways to bring the natural world directly to those we teach. This is perfectly in sync with our National Chemistry week theme, Chemistry Rocks.

  • October 18, 2017 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry The Role of the Journal of Chemical Education in Teaching and Learning Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    The Journal of Chemical Education (JCE) has a long history of supporting chemistry instructors by providing high quality information. As a world leader in the publication of primary research in chemical education, as well as a source of many practical ideas for teaching chemistry, JCE provides both broad and deep coverage of teaching and learning the central science. The presentation will provide a brief outline of the history and structure of JCE, provide examples of exemplary high school level content and how teachers have used it, and show attendees how to best take advantage of the new AACT benefit of 25 free ACS downloads.

  • October 12, 2017 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Don't Flip Out About Flipped Classrooms Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    Flipping the classroom is an exciting method that can free up class time for inquiry labs, activities, and other student interactions to promote an active learning environment. But the flipping process may seem daunting, and it doesn’t have to be! You will obtain access to tools and strategies to make your transition to a flipped classroom smooth and successful for you and your students.

  • September 27, 2017 | Teaching Resources AACT Resources and Website Open House – September 2017 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    AACT President, Jenelle Ball, Immediate Past President, Scott Hawkins, and President-Elect, Sherri Rukes guide participants on a virtual tour the AACT website.

  • September 21, 2017 | Teaching Methods What I Learned (And How I Survived) My First Year of Teaching High School Chemistry Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    I never intended to teach high school chemistry, and I was never trained to be a high school teacher; however, I was asked to teach high school as a part of my responsibilities as a first-year professor at a large, Midwestern university. I learned a lot from that experience, including strategies that I use in my university courses to this day. I also learned just how hard it is to be a first-year high school chemistry teacher because I experienced first-hand many of the challenges that all first-year chemistry teachers face! In this presentation, I will talk about some of the challenges I encountered that year, and some of the strategies that I used to address those challenges and to (eventually) survive and thrive in my high school teaching experience.

  • September 07, 2017 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Lessons Learned from the 2017 AP Chemistry Exam Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    During this webinar, Paul Bonvallet, Chief Reader, will outline the logistics and scoring process for the 2017 AP Chemistry exam and discuss practices for consistent, fair, and accurate grading of the free-response section. The presentation will then review in detail all the free-response questions from the 2017 AP Chemistry Exam and highlight the most common student misconceptions revealed during the scoring of 160,000 test papers. The presenter will suggest several teaching strategies to address these common misconceptions in the classroom and in the teaching laboratory. The webinar will include information on the application process for becoming an AP Chemistry Reader.

  • May 17, 2017 | Teaching Resources Using The Best Of ChemMatters in the Chemistry Classroom Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    The Best of ChemMatters: Connecting Science and Literacy helps high school science teachers to connect STEM content, scientific literacy, and reading comprehension. The book features 12 teacher-tested lesson plans based on articles from ChemMatters, an award-winning magazine published by ACS. In this webinar, two teachers will talk about how they used lesson plans from the book in their classrooms, helping students understand chemistry concepts and improve their science literacy, critical thinking and reading comprehension skills.

  • May 04, 2017 | Teaching Resources Mystery of Matter Resources for the Chemistry Classroom Mark as Favorite (3 Favorites)

    Producer Stephen Lyons gives a guided tour of the Mystery of Matter website, revealing all the free educational resources developed for the PBS chemistry series, including a Teacher’s Guide, 60 short film clips, and 32 short videos. High school chemistry & physics teacher Sue Klemmer also shares ways to use the Mystery of Matter resources in self-paced and whole-class instruction to meet national and local science education standards.

  • April 26, 2017 | Teaching Resources Science Coaches Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    This webinar outlines the benefits for teachers and coaches in the two Science Coaches programs: One-on-One and Teams. Teachers accepted into the program will have the opportunity to form a valuable relationship with a coach who volunteers face-to-face or through a private, digital forum.

  • April 19, 2017 | Teaching Resources AACT Resources and Website Open House (2017) Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Take a virtual tour of the updated AACT website and explore valuable resources available to members. This webinar will be particularly valuable to teachers considering AACT membership, or members who are not yet familiar with all the classroom resources available on teachchemistry.org.

  • April 05, 2017 | Teaching Methods, Advanced Chemistry Teaching Challenging Concepts using Peer Instruction Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    AP chemistry involves a strong focus on understanding, explaining, and justifying chemistry at the molecular level. Peer Instruction is a structured approach for helping students improve their understanding of such challenging concepts. This session will introduce the Peer Instruction approach and how the presenter, Dena Leggett, uses it in her classroom.

  • March 28, 2017 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Big K, Small k, and Buffers: Merging Equilibrium with Limiting Reactant Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    As we approach the AP exam, buffers are always a topic that make students (and teachers) cringe. It is in many ways the “capstone” of equilibrium, yet having students develop a strong conceptual understanding (which makes quantitative problem solving that much easier) is always difficult. This webinar examines demos, sample labs, and pedagogical techniques as we delve into this important topic before the 2017 exam. In addition, the webinar examines how the similar ideas could be used to attack problems such as 2016 #6.

  • March 23, 2017 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry What’s the Big Idea AP Chemistry Review Redux Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    If you find the prospect of reviewing the entire AP Chemistry curriculum daunting, you’re not alone. 30 teachers from around the country joined together to create a review presentation to share with fellow educators that is rich with videos, graphics, and key material on the AP exam. All six Big Ideas and College Board Learning Objectives are addressed. Learn how to use the Big Idea Review 2.0 to empower your students to feel more confident on May 1.

  • March 07, 2017 | Teaching Methods Standards-Based Grading in the Chemistry Classroom Mark as Favorite (4 Favorites)

    Are you tired of your students asking "how many points do I need to get an A?" or "can I do extra credit?" Are you longing for a data-driven classroom? Do you feel like your grading system is broken? This webinar addresses both the ideology behind standards-based grading practices and practical steps for implementing a standards-based grading system in your classroom. From learning targets, to rubrics to grading without points, all of your SBG concerns will be addressed.

  • March 01, 2017 | Teaching Methods Incorporating Engineering Practices into High School Chemistry Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    This webinar discusses the value of incorporating NGSS Engineering Practices into high school chemistry classes. Examples ranging from 20-minute pencil-and-paper activities to multi-week projects demonstrate various "flavors" of engineering that are suited for a wide range of budgets and student ability levels.

  • February 23, 2017 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Teaching Students How to Better Answer Non-Calculator Problems Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Students in all levels of chemistry seem to struggle when answering questions that require them to explain rather than calculate their responses. Their words seem to fail them when they try to explain why the atomic radius of magnesium is smaller than that of sodium or why the melting point of lithium chloride is so much greater than that of potassium chloride. This webinar summarizes common problems and misconceptions that students have when answering questions about periodicity, bonding, kinetics, equilibrium and acid-base principles. It provides teachers some strategies for helping their students improve their ability to answer non-calculator based problems.

  • February 07, 2017 | Teaching Methods A Visual and Intuitive Approach to Stoichiometry Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    Do your students struggle with stoichiometry? Many of the methods used don't really help students understand what stoichiometry is about. This webinar discusses how to approach teaching stoichiometry problems using a table set-up to make the process visually appealing and more intuitive for students. The process emphasizes proportional reasoning and explicitly connects the calculations to the particulate nature of matter.

  • February 01, 2017 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Time For Student Investigation: Chemistry in a Petri Dish Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    This webinar shows you how to transform the “Chemistry in a Petri Dish” experiments which originally focused on acid rain, into a full lesson using other AACT resources. It also provides basic information about how to run the experiments and includes alignment with NGSS--which calls for students to be involved in developing and implementing investigations that center on real world problems. These experiments are easy for the teacher to prepare and are fast enough that students can run them several times in a class period, giving them an opportunity for investigation.

  • January 25, 2017 | Teaching Resources Chemistry Demos: Connecting the Molecular to the Macroscopic Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Students have a hard time connecting what is taught in class with what they see in the lab. When students draw particulates of what they see on the macroscopic level, it can help them make the connection. This webinar introduces demonstrations you can use when they first learn the material, and demonstration questions that can be scaled up or down depending on the level of chemistry that you teach.

  • January 18, 2017 | Teaching Resources Elementary and Middle School Resources from AACT Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Join Rebecca Field, Elementary School Ambassador, and Sarah Paquette, Middle School Ambassador, to discover the many classroom resources available from AACT for K-8 teachers.

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