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126 – 150 of 218 Webinars

  • February 21, 2019 | Teaching Methods, Advanced Chemistry Building a Bridge to AP: How to Boost Your Honors/Chemistry 1 Course to Support Your Goals Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)

    A strong honors/chemistry 1 curriculum can be one of the most powerful tools in boosting AP scores. This webinar will focus on ways in which reverse designing the curriculum in honors/Chemistry 1 can emphasize content and lab skills to save time during the crunch of an AP Class. In addition, tips for boosting enrollment and rapport in AP by establishing enthusiasm and expectations will also be discussed.

  • February 05, 2019 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Implementing the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) Framework in the Chemistry Classroom Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    As science teachers, we routinely ask our students to explain their understanding or provide conclusions from the evidence they had gathered. However, we are consistently reminded that the majority of our students do not make the connections in their explanations or conclusions that we had hoped for. Writing quality scientific explanations is a skill and it is up to teachers to help students develop that skill. Fortunately, there is a framework that is gaining momentum among science teachers, which is designed to help teachers specifically target and develop this skill. Claim, Evidence, Reasoning.

  • January 30, 2019 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Resources Chemistry Experiments with Familiar, Inexpensive, and Easily Obtained Materials Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    Conducting experiments with materials that can be obtained at local grocery and retail stores provide a variety of advantages to chemistry teachers. By using commonly found items in experiments and demonstrations, teachers provide students with familiar and natural connections to investigations in chemistry. Such materials are generally convenient to obtain, allowing teachers to acquire supplies only a few days (and in some cases a few hours) prior to conducting lessons. In this presentation, several experiments and demonstrations that illustrate the chemistry of common materials will be explored.

  • January 16, 2019 | Teaching Resources The Disappearing Spoon With Sam Kean Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Why did Gandhi hate iodine? Why did the Japanese kill Godzilla with missiles made of cadmium? How did radium nearly ruin Marie Curie’s reputation? And why did tellurium lead to the most bizarre gold rush in history? The Periodic Table is one of our crowning scientific achievements, but it’s also a treasure trove of passion, adventure, betrayal, and obsession. The Disappearing Spoon delves into every single element on the table and explains each one's role in science, money, mythology, war, the arts, medicine, alchemy, and other areas of human history, from the Big Bang through the end of time. Please join us as we kick off the International Year of the Periodic Table with a special presentation from Sam Kean, author of The Disappearing Spoon, Caesar’s Last Breath, The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons, and The Violinist’s Thumb.

  • January 09, 2019 | Teaching Methods Chemistry is for Everyone: Accommodations and Modifications for Success in Chemistry Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    Using a variety of strategies and techniques, chemistry teachers can help ensure that Special Education students can be fully integrated into the class and access the curriculum even if students have weak math skills or learning challenges.

  • November 07, 2018 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Phenomodeling: Providing Scaffolding for Phenomena-based Modeling Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Learn how to provide scaffolding for your students to create models and construct explanations of phenomena using fool-proof strategies. Ideal for any teacher new to using phenomena in the classroom.

  • November 01, 2018 | Teaching Resources The Faraday Holiday Lecture, Chemical Demonstrations and Alumni Outreach Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Keeping in touch with former students, many of whom can be an asset to your program, can always be challenging. Teaching at a magnet school, where the majority of our students are not based in the neighborhood where the school is located, can be even more challenging. Learn how a British tradition that dates to the early 1800’s helped to shape one of the year’s most anticipated events at our school. Learn how we encourage our current study body to interact with alumni through a yearly chemical demonstration event.

  • October 24, 2018 | Teaching Resources Making “Space” for Astronomy Connections in Chemistry Class Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Does the wonder of space engage your students? Would they be surprised to find all of the ways chemistry applies to the study of our solar system and beyond? Join Michael Romano, a fellow chemistry teacher who just completed an Einstein Fellowship at NASA, as he shares numerous ideas for bringing space topics into your chemistry lessons to celebrate "National Chemistry Week 2018: Chemistry is Out of This World."

  • October 17, 2018 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Using NGSS Practices to Explore Chemistry Concepts: Phenomenon, Modeling, and Arguing from Evidence Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    Are you looking for phenomenon to engage your students in chemistry? Join Jessica C. Levine and Emilie Mosko, middle school physical science teachers, to see how existing chemistry curriculum can be easily modified towards an NGSS storyline. Presenters will highlight their lesson design of a groovy phenomenon to engage students in chemistry concepts such as density, heat transfer, particle motion, and phases of matter--The Lava Lamp.

  • October 09, 2018 | Lab & Safety, Teaching Resources A Teacher's Toolbox for Lab Safety Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    Join Jenny Bishoff to learn how you can use AACT resources to create a safer chemistry lab environment.

  • October 04, 2018 | Teaching Methods Scaffolding Stoichiometry for Struggling Students Mark as Favorite (4 Favorites)

    Say goodbye to flowcharts and diagrams that ultimately confuse students or leave them unable to perform molar conversions on their own. Instead, we will use a novel strategy that incorporates fingers and hands that allows them to kinesthetically embody stoichiometry calculations. Even your lowest math students will be successful! Appropriate for any introductory high school chemistry course.

  • September 25, 2018 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Designing Effective Multiple-Choice Items for Chemistry Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    As teachers begin the school year, planning often involves a focus on assessment. Multiple-choice questions are commonly used on chemistry tests, despite the fact that many teachers have never been trained in how to write them. AP chemistry teachers face the challenge of finding multiple-choice items that are similar in style and format to those that appear on the AP exam. The theme of this webinar is the process of writing items that emphasize conceptual understanding and higher-order cognitive skills. Co-presenters Michael Farabaugh and Linda Cummings have experience as both AP readers and item writers for the AP exam. They will not only discuss techniques for improving the quality of existing questions but also provide suggestions for how to get started when writing your own. Although this webinar will be beneficial for teachers of AP chemistry, it is intended for any teacher who wants to learn more about the construction of multiple-choice items. Participants will have the option to submit two original multiple-choice questions after they register. Some of these questions will be used as examples during the webinar. Come join us for a presentation that promises to be (A) informative (B) valuable (C) relevant (D) all of the above!

  • September 12, 2018 | Teaching Resources AACT Resources and Website Open House – September 2018 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Have you ever wondered about the benefits of being a member of the AACT? Discover how AACT membership can enhance your experience in the chemistry classroom. Join AACT President, Sherri Rukes, Past-President, Jenelle Ball, and President-Elect, Heather Weck, as they guide participants on a virtual tour the AACT website. All resources will be unlocked during the webinar so that attendees can follow along with the presenters and see all of the valuable classroom materials available to AACT members. This webinar will be particularly valuable to teachers who are considering becoming a member of AACT or members who might not be familiar with all of the classroom resources that are available on teachchemistry.org. It’s also a chance for current members to learn about the additions and updates that we’ve made to our website and member benefits.

  • September 06, 2018 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Lessons Learned from the 2018 AP Chemistry Exam Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    During this webinar, Paul Bonvallet, Chief Reader, will outline the logistics and scoring process for the 2018 AP Chemistry exam and discuss practices for consistent, fair, and accurate grading of the free-response section. The presentation will then review in detail all the free-response questions from the 2018 AP Chemistry Exam and highlight the most common student misconceptions revealed during the scoring of the test papers. The presenter will suggest several teaching strategies to address these common misconceptions in the classroom and in the teaching laboratory. The webinar will include information on the application process for becoming an AP Chemistry Reader.

  • August 23, 2018 | Teaching Resources Leadership and STEM Learning with the Einstein Fellowship 2018 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    The Albert Einstein Fellowship brings K-12 STEM educators together from across the country to tap into their experiences to shape and lead the conversation around STEM at a national level. During this webinar, Einstein Fellows and alumni will share the unique experiences they have been granted with fellow educators, discuss what they’ve learned about teacher leadership, and provide some insight into a day in the life of an Einstein Fellow.

  • May 08, 2018 | Teaching Resources ChemCom: Not Your Typical Chemistry Textbook Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Most chemistry books focus on chemistry and on occasion relate it to students’ real lives. ChemCom teaches chemistry through the lens of real life. During this webinar, learn about how ChemCom embraces modeling, NGSS, and hands-on activities to make chemistry relevant and exciting to students. To familiarize yourself with the text before the webinar, visit www.acs.org/chemcom. There, you can also request a review copy. Published in 2012, Chemistry in the Community is still as relevant as ever.

  • May 02, 2018 | Teaching Resources Science Coaches - 2018 Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Please join Jackie Meyer, the Science Coaches Associate, as she outlines the benefits for teachers and coaches in the two Science Coaches programs, One-on-One and Teams.

  • April 24, 2018 | Teaching Methods, Advanced Chemistry AP Chemistry – A Review Plan Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    When one teaches AP Chemistry to sophomores in one year with no previous chemistry course, and at breakneck speed with no breathing room between August and April, review becomes a crucial part of the process. Ask one of my kids what they know about PES in the first week of April and the answer is usually, "What's PES?". As such, one month of review is a vital component in my course. Join Adrian Dingle for a breakdown of what he does to bring his AP students up to speed in the month before the AP exam.

  • April 17, 2018 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Modeling Instruction: Pedagogy and Practice Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)

    Hear Erica Posthuma-Adams and Ryan Bruick talk about incorporating modeling instruction into the high school chemistry classroom.

  • April 11, 2018 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Teaching Methods and Resources for Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) 2018 Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    Join AACT and the ACS in celebrating marine chemistry during the upcoming Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) campaign with the theme, “Dive into Marine Chemistry.”

  • March 22, 2018 | Teaching Methods, Teaching Resources Using POGIL in the Chemistry Classroom: Objectives, Practices, and Outcomes Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    POGIL activities can be used to engage students in chemistry lessons through the use of student teams, effective models and tiered questioning. In this webinar, the goals and objectives of POGIL activities will be explained and clarified.

  • March 14, 2018 | Teaching Resources NGSS-Aligned Elementary Classroom Resources from AACT Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    This webinar highlights five AACT lesson plans for the 5th grade classrooms that align with NGSS. There are 16 performance expectations for 5th grade and the lessons outlines will help your students meet 13 of them. Topics include modeling molecules, plant chemistry, environmental science, water purification, and salting the roads when it snows.

  • March 07, 2018 | Teaching Resources, Advanced Chemistry Helping Students Show What They Know – An AACT AP Chemistry Webinar Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Your students have worked hard all year to master the concepts of AP Chemistry. They have slogged through numerous problems, taken many exams, and completed laboratory work. Yet, many of them have trouble “putting it all together” when AP exam time comes. How can we best help them “show what they know”? This is the theme of this AACT AP Chemistry webinar.

  • February 13, 2018 | Teaching Resources But I Don’t Teach Chemistry – A Webinar for K-8 Science Teachers Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Join us for a hands-on webinar to explore chemistry connections through the Chemical Educational Foundation’s You Be The Chemist programs. Three expert elementary and middle school educators will guide you through interdisciplinary, hands-on activities that demonstrate how chemistry is the foundation for life, earth and space science; history; physics; and music. Find out how you can use chemistry content to enhance learning – even if you are not a chemistry teacher!

  • January 30, 2018 | Technology Incorporating PhET Simulations into a Unit on Covalent Bonding, Liquids, and Solids Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    Experienced high school chemistry teacher and former PhET employee Trish Loeblein provides tips for how to incorporate simulations from PhET into topical units for high school chemistry.

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