Classroom Resources: Reactions & Stoichiometry

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101 – 125 of 253 Classroom Resources

  • Classification of Reactions, Chemical Change, Catalysts, Observations | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Catalyst in Motion Mark as Favorite (17 Favorites)

    This demonstration allows students to visualize how a catalyst can impact a chemical reaction. Students will also identify the products of a decomposition reaction, as well as determine if the reaction was endothermic or exothermic based on their observations.

  • Activity Series, Classification of Reactions, Chemical Change | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Investigating the Activity Series of Metals Mark as Favorite (61 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will create an activity series of metals and predict whether or not single replacement reactions are likely to occur.

  • Stoichiometry, Mole Concept, Dimensional Analysis | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Map It Out! Mark as Favorite (56 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students should be able to use a graphic organizer to help them solve stoichiometry problems. This lesson utilizes the Cornell note format.

  • Combustion, Balancing Equations, Stoichiometry | High School

    Activity: Calculating Your Carbon Footprint Mark as Favorite (105 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students apply their knowledge of writing and balancing chemical equations and stoichiometry calculations to estimate their carbon footprint. Students are also asked to reflect on their carbon footprint and what it means.

  • Conservation of Matter, Matter, Interdisciplinary, Renewable Energy, Conservation of Matter | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle! Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)

    In this lab students will explore ways to conserve natural resources. They will then have the opportunity to create their own recycled paper that can be used in the classroom.

  • Phase Changes, Photosynthesis, Renewable Energy | Elementary School, Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Mini Terrarium Mark as Favorite (4 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will learn that even the smallest spaces can have their own climate. They will create a miniature sized terrarium and will observe how sunlight enters in order to warm the air, and in turn heat the soil and seeds. Condensation will build up in the container and the students can observe the water cycle in action, as well as the growth of the seeds over time.

  • Subatomic Particles, Molecular Structure , Photosynthesis | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Carbon, Carbon Everywhere Mark as Favorite (5 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will learn about how Carbon cycles through Earth’s systems and its importance for life on Earth.

  • Titrations, Indicators, Acid Base Reactions, Stoichiometry, Percent Composition | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: The Egg-straordinary Issue Mark as Favorite (72 Favorites)

    In this lab students will determine the percent composition of calcium carbonate contained in an eggshell by using a back titration in order to address a farmer’s concerns about his hen’s fragile eggs. Two versions of the student lab are included, a scripted version, and an inquiry version.

  • Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Physical Change, Observations | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Make a Cake! Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In this demonstration, students will learn about chemical reactions by observing the differences when 4 small cakes are baked. Each recipe will differ slightly in that one important ingredient will be left out in 3 of the 4 mixtures. Students will observe and discuss what happens when things are missing or left out of a mixture and how that effects the chemical reaction.

  • Concentration, Solute & Solvent, Chemical Change | Elementary School, Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Soft Eggs Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students will first observe a reaction between vinegar (acetic acid) and an egg shell (calcium carbonate) to produce a naked egg. Using these eggs, student will analyze how certain substances can move through a membrane and also determine if the membrane is affected.

  • Chemical Change, Chemical Change | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Teeth Eggsperiment! Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In this lab students will observe and analyze how different drinks can stain an egg’s shell. They will then associate the results with how these drinks can stain their teeth.

  • Balancing Equations, Conservation of Mass | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Balancing Legos Mark as Favorite (60 Favorites)

    In this activity students use Legos to model the reactants and products in a chemical reaction. They use these “atoms” and “molecules” to balance the chemical reaction in order to demonstrate the law of conservation of matter.

  • Chemical Change, Mixtures, Reaction Rate | Elementary School

    Lab: The Disappearing Color Mark as Favorite (5 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will create a solution to observe a chemical change between food coloring in water and bleach. They will also develop the process skills of predicting, observing, and measuring temperature.

  • Balancing Equations, Conservation of Mass, Molecular Formula | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Counting Atoms & Balancing Equations Mark as Favorite (80 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will learn how to count atoms and how to balance chemical equations using videos, simulations and games.

  • Chemical Change, Exothermic & Endothermic | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Little Miss Muffet Mark as Favorite (39 Favorites)

    In this lab, students make homemade glue from milk and compare it to commercial glue.

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    Gas Laws, Stoichiometry | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Carbonate Identification Mark as Favorite (32 Favorites)

    In this lab students use gas laws and stoichiometry, along with some balloons and simple measuring tools, to identify a metal carbonate from a short list of possibilities.

  • Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Physical Change, Physical Properties | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Little Miss Muffet Investigation Mark as Favorite (14 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will work in cooperative groups to conduct a chemical reaction by mixing vinegar with milk. This reaction will cause the curds to precipitate and separate from the liquid whey. The lesson can be extended by experimenting with different types of milk or by using different acids.

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    Le Châtelier's Principle, Reversible Reactions, Concentration | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Le Chatelier’s Soda Mark as Favorite (86 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will observe how the equilibrium of a chemical reaction is affected when a change in pressure, temperature, and concentration is applied to the system.

  • Balancing Equations, Conservation of Mass, Photosynthesis | Middle School

    Activity: Achieving a Photosynthetic Balance Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will use candies to model the rearrangement of atoms from reactant to products during photosynthesis.

  • Exothermic & Endothermic, Heat, Temperature, Classification of Reactions | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Determining Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions Mark as Favorite (40 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will analyze evidence to determine if a chemical reaction releases energy and can be classified as an exothermic reaction or if it absorbs energy and can be classified as an endothermic reaction.

  • Chemical Change, Molecular Structure | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Detecting Fats and Starches in Food Mark as Favorite (5 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will identify fats and starches in a variety of foods. Since we eat many complex foods which contain mixtures of carbohydrates (e.g. sugars and starches), fats, and proteins, conducting food tests will enable the students to determine the make up of a certain food.

  • Photosynthesis | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: The Chemical Process of Photosynthesis Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will rotate through five stations to understand the importance of the reactants required for the process of photosynthesis in a plant. They will also create the chemical equation for the photosynthesis reaction.

  • Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding, Molecular Formula, Naming Compounds, Stoichiometry, Limiting Reactant, Classification of Reactions | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Isn't it Ionic Mark as Favorite (48 Favorites)

    In this activity students will form ionic compounds and covalent compounds using clues and questions. Students are going to then develop their own stoichiometric problems and have other groups attempt to solve it.

  • Chemical Change, Conservation of Mass, Chemical Change, Physical Change | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Chemistry in a Bag Mark as Favorite (84 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will observe and identify chemical and physical changes contained inside a plastic bag. Students will also use this lab to understand the Law of Conservation of Mass.

  • Chemical Change, Reaction Rate, Reaction Rate, Phase Changes | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Plop & Fizz Investigation Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In the demonstration the teacher will perform a reaction between water and Alka-Seltzer in order to generate the release of carbon dioxide. Students will observe the chemical reaction, while timing the release of carbon dioxide and observe 3 states of matter. This will be repeated 3 times, each time increasing the number of tablets used.

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