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Electromagnetic Spectrum Book Mark as Favorite (37 Favorites)

ACTIVITY in Electromagnetic Spectrum. Last updated March 25, 2020.


In this activity, students will create a book that describes all of the individual parts that make up the electromagnetic spectrum.

Grade Level

High School


By the end of this activity, students should be able to

  • Differentiate between the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays.
  • Understand what wavelength is and how it applies to the different parts of the spectrum.
  • Know the uses and dangers of each part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Chemistry Topics

This activity supports students’ understanding of

  • Energy
  • Electromagnetic spectrum
  • Wavelength


Teacher Preparation: 30 minutes

Lesson: 2+ hours


  • Instruction sheets for students
  • Computer with internet access
  • Paper, markers, colored pencils, etc. (if they are making a paper book)
  • Stapler or glue

Teacher Notes

  • I recommend making an example book that students can use as a reference.
  • It is helpful to either have access to the internet so that they can research the electromagnetic spectrum or provide them with a handout overview of the spectrum.
  • This is an activity/project that should take the students a couple of days (up to a week) to complete.
  • I recommend making sure that the students are given a rubric to follow that indicates how they will be graded on the project (sample rubric included).
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Book Rubric


Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Depth of Understanding

Each region of the electromagnetic spectrum is thoroughly explained: the uses, what it can pass through, wavelength, hazards, and more are included.

15 points

Each region of the electromagnetic spectrum is adequately explained: the uses, what it can pass through, wavelength, hazards, and more are included.

12 points

Each region of the electromagnetic spectrum is minimally explained: the uses, what it can pass through, wavelength, and hazards.

10 points

Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum contains inaccuracies, lacks one or more section.

5 points


Scientific information is communicated clearly and precisely but may also include inventive/expressive dimensions. The flip-book is effectively focused and well organized and contains labeled pictures and diagrams.

5 points

Scientific information is communicated clearly. The flip-book is focused and organized. Pictures and diagrams are included.

4 points

Scientific information has some clarity. The flip-book is somewhat organized. Some pictures/diagrams may have been included.

3 points

Scientific information is unclear. The flip-book lacks focus and organization.

1 point

Relevance to Society

Information provides understanding of the relevance of the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum to personal and social issues.

5 points

Information identifies some applications of the electromagnetic spectrum to personal and social issues.

4 points

Information implies relevance of the electromagnetic to personal and present day society.

3 points

Information is unclear or absent regarding the relevance of the electromagnetic spectrum to personal or present day society.

1 point

Total /25 *3.4 = /85

Extra points can be earned by including:

  • Numerous facts
  • Additional illustrations
  • Illustration of the visible spectrum in color
  • Exceptional presentation

For the Student


This is a research project focused on the electromagnetic spectrum. You will make a book that outlines the electromagnetic spectrum as a whole as well as details about each part. The electromagnetic spectrum is made up of seven different energy ranges: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and gamma rays.


You will have two class days to research the electromagnetic spectrum for your book.


Your book must contain the following sections:

  1. Title Page & Name
  2. General Information (electromagnetic waves: definition, symbols, terms, diagrams)
  3. Radio Waves
  4. Microwaves
  5. Infrared
  6. Visible Light
  7. Ultraviolet Rays
  8. X-Rays
  9. Gamma Rays
  10. Interesting Fact and References

For sections 3-9 you must include the following information:

  • Wavelength (in either meters or centimeters); this wavelength should then be related to the size of a real life object
  • What can the wavelength pass through?
  • What are the uses for the wavelength?
  • Are there any dangers associated with the wavelength?
  • Minimum of one picture

For section 10 you should include at least one interesting, detailed fact about electromagnetic waves. You also must cite every reference that you use (including citations for the pictures that you use). You are required to use a minimum of 3 references.


This book will be graded out of a possible 25 points. The total will be multiplied by 3.4, for a possible grade of 85 if all minimum requirements are met. The rubric showing the grading for the minimum requirements is attached. Additional points can be earned for exceptional work. Some things that may earn extra points:

  • Numerous facts
  • Additional illustrations
  • Illustration of the visible spectrum in color
  • Exceptional presentation