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Virtual Summer Symposium: Simulations to Enhance Chemical Instruction Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

WEBINAR (3 hours 25 minutes) recorded July 07, 2020

In order to gain understanding of chemical principles, students need to be exposed to concepts in multiple ways. Some simulations can be used to help students visualize chemistry at the particle level while others can be used to model laboratory procedures. In this symposium, various online simulations and accompanying lesson ideas will be shared that are versatile for both in person and online instruction.

This Virtual Summer symposium will have several speakers who will each present a talk on the topic of simulations to enhance chemical instruction. Each speaker will have 20 minutes to talk and answer questions. There is a short break from 1:25 until 1:40 on the video. The schedule of speakers follows:

  • 1:00 pm – Opening remarks and instructions
  • 1:05 pm – Nicole Lyssy, Plano West Senior High School, TX, “PhET Simulations for Kinetics”
  • 1:25 pm – Martin Palermo, William Floyd High School, NY, “Sunflower Learning”
  • 1:45 pm – Dave Doherty, Bitwixt Software Systems, MN, “Remote Learning as Opportunity: Engage Students With Real Experiments on Interactive, Physically Accurate, 3D Particle Models”
  • 2:05 pm – Dr. Sarah English, Sweet Home High School, NY “ChemCollective Simulations”
  • 2:40 pm - Juleen Jenkins Whall, Traverse City West Senior High, MI, “CER with PhET Simulations”
  • 3:00 pm – Johanna Brown, Pullman High School, WA, “Simulations as Asynchronous Guided Inquiry Introductions to Concepts”
  • 3:20 pm – Kim Duncan, American Chemical Society, DC, “Incorporating AACT Simulations Into Your Chemistry Curriculum”
  • 3:40 pm – Julie Willcott, zSpace, ME, and Edd Stockwell, MEL Science, UK, “Immersive Technology and Chemistry Simulations”
  • 4:00 pm - Kristen Drury, William Floyd High School, NY, “Titration Simulation with Student Generated Data”
  • 4:20 pm – Brief closing remarks and links

Organizer: Kristen Drury, AP Chemistry Teacher & Reader, William Floyd High School, Long Island, NY
Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 1:00 pm ET