May 2024

Featured Article

Nuts & Bolts

Reflecting on ChatGPT in our Chemistry Classroom

In a follow-up to their September 2023 article, two high school chemistry teachers explore the integration of ChatGPT (a tool for artificial intelligence, or AI) in their classroom. While AI has helped the authors with instructional planning, they have also found challenges with its accuracy and the ways students use it.

Classroom Commentary

Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

Access is an AACT member benefit. From High School Chemistry to Upper Elementary Science

They can’t be THAT different, can they?

This author reflects on her unique teaching experience, transitioning to elementary science after 17 years in the high school chemistry classroom. She compares her experiences and shares the challenges and successes of teaching across levels.

Nuts & Bolts

Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. It Takes Two: Partner Work in the Chemistry Classroom

A chemistry teacher reflects on his transition from individual to partner worksheets. He shares his journey adopting the “Pass the Paper” and “Turn + Talk” protocols to enhance student collaboration and accountability in his classroom.

Tech Tips

How to incorporate technology into your chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Technology Tools that have Reshaped how I Teach Chemistry

A high school chemistry teacher discusses how technology tools have transformed his teaching, enhancing effectiveness and student engagement. He shares how he uses Pear Assessment, Notability, Explain Everything, Google Sheets, ChemQuiz, and Gimkit in his classroom.

Reprint Spotlight

A previously published article from Chemistry Solutions that is particularly relevant to readers.

Classroom Commentary

Chemical Phenomena in Everyday Life: An Adventure in Writing Across the Curriculum

This article describes a year-long writing project in an upper-level chemistry course that culminates in a Writing Marathon field trip to New York City. The goal of the project was to use student writing about chemical phenomena observed in daily life to make connections to the concepts discussed in class. The author shares that her students enjoyed exploring the city and examining it through their chemistry lens. She found it even more rewarding to watch them apply their knowledge to explain the phenomena around them.

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Advice Column

Access is an AACT member benefit. Dear Labby: Seeking a Segue

A teacher asks how old is too old to begin to teach?


Reflecting on the Three Cs

Connect, Collaborate, and Contribute!

AACT President Michael Farabaugh reflects on the end of the school year, balancing emotions, and setting goals. He encourages his peers to continue embracing connection, collaboration, and contribution to enhance teaching and community engagement.


Activity Series Game

In this game, students will explore the activity series of metals by pitting pairs of metals and metal ions against one another and observing which one steals electrons from the other. Students can play "capture the flag" and a pong-style game where they use ions as the ball. Two extension activities have students view videos of real-world reactions and create a particulate model of what they observed.

Chemistry Fun


In this activity, students will complete a series of chemistry-themed word puzzles. Each puzzle provides 16 words which students must categorize into four groups of four items that share something in common without knowing what the categories are.