Classroom Resources: Reactions & Stoichiometry

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101 – 125 of 131 Classroom Resources

  • Conservation of Matter, Chemical Change, Photosynthesis, Balancing Equations, Reversible Reactions, Molecular Formula, Molecular Structure, Conservation of Mass, Interdisciplinary, Matter, Elements, Monomer | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Plant Chemistry Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In this lesson, students will explore a simple, but key, biochemical reaction: photosynthesis.

  • Exothermic & Endothermic, Chemical Change, Heat, Temperature, Classification of Reactions | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Designing Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Mark as Favorite (19 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will design and test an experiment for producing either an endothermic or an exothermic reaction. The goal of the lab is for students to successfully construct a reproducible procedure for a reaction that either releases or absorbs thermal energy, and that can be supported with data.

  • Chemical Change, Observations, Inferences, Chemical Change, Interdisciplinary | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Strawberry DNA & CSI Mark as Favorite (7 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will extract DNA from strawberries and analyze evidence to figure out who perpetrated a petty crime.

  • Cracking, Chemical Change, Functional Groups, Combustion | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Cracking Reaction Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In this demo, students will witness a cracking reaction. They will verify the products by exposing the products to three side reactions.

  • Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Observations | High School, Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Corrosion in Motion Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will expose metal samples to various solutions and observe the amount of corrosion of a period of time.

  • Conservation of Mass, Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Observations | High School, Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Conservation of Mass Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

    In this lab, students perform three simple experiments, recording the mass of a substance before and after a reaction. They then explain how the law of conservation of mass was not violated, even if the mass changed.

  • Condensation, Chemical Change, Functional Groups, Lewis Structures | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Condensation Reaction Mark as Favorite (11 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will use Lewis structures to explain the mechanism of an organic condensation reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol, also known as an esterification reaction.

  • Chemical Change, Exothermic & Endothermic, Acid Base Reactions, Chemical Change | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Comparing Chemical Reactions Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, the teacher will perform two chemical reactions, one will be between acetic acid (vinegar) and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and the other will be between Alka-Seltzer and water. Both reactions will produce gas and will be conducted in a Ziploc bag, causing it to inflate. Students will observe the reactions and analyze the results in order to understand indicators of chemical change. Students will also determine that these are both endothermic reactions based on their observations.

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    Classification of Reactions, Balancing Equations, Chemical Change, Conservation of Mass, Observations | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Classifying Reaction Types Mark as Favorite (94 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will carry out seven reactions and classify their reaction types. They will make observations, predict products, and balance the equations that represent the chemical reactions that are occurring.

  • Chemical Change, Observations, Chemical Change, Reaction Rate, Interdisciplinary, Physical Change, Reaction Rate | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Chemical Weathering in Geology Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In this lab, students will explore the differences between erosion, weathering and chemical weathering. They will complete a lab experiment that simulates chemical weathering on 4 different types of rocks. They will also learn how to use the Mohs Hardness Test to analyze the results.

  • Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Observations, Interdisciplinary, Acid Rain | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Chemical Weathering of Rocks Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In this lab, students will explore simulated reactions that contribute to chemical weathering of certain rocks as it appears in nature.  They will compare the effects of two different chemicals as it contacts various rock and mineral samples.

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    Catalysts, Reaction Rate, Experimental Design, Scientific Method, Chemical Change, Error Analysis, Balancing Equations, Percent Yield, Stoichiometry, Chemical Change, Measurements, Error Analysis, Dimensional Analysis | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Catalysis & Catalytic Converters Mark as Favorite (11 Favorites)

    In this lesson students will be introduced to catalysts while expanding their knowledge of chemical reactions and stoichiometry. They will first learn about catalytic converters and then be challenged to create the best “catalytic converter” of hydrogen peroxide to oxygen gas in an inquiry-based activity.

  • Chemical Change, Physical Change, Observations, Chemical Change, Interdisciplinary, Chemical Change | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Break It Down! Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In this lab, students will examine the physical and chemical changes that take place within a landfill by composting leftover fruits and vegetables from their lunches. They will also record pH and temperature measurements during the process.

  • Molecular Structure, Molecular Structure , Interdisciplinary, Chemical Change, Distillation, Renewable Energy, Enthalpy, Stoichiometry, Chemical Change, Combustion | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Biofuels of the Future Mark as Favorite (11 Favorites)

    In this lesson students will explore the world of automobile alternative energy sources through the study of biofuels. They will design and create an e-book that illustrates and explains one of the provided topics or an original idea approved by the teacher.

  • Stoichiometry, Percent Yield, Classification of Reactions, Balancing Equations, Chemical Change, Dimensional Analysis, Error Analysis, Measurements, Accuracy | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Baking Soda Stoichiometry Mark as Favorite (53 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will decompose baking soda and use stoichiometry to determine the proper balanced chemical equation of its decomposition.

  • Chemical Change, Identifying an Unknown, Physical Properties, Chemical Properties, Chemical Change, Experimental Design, Scientific Method | High School, Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: As Easy as Pie Mark as Favorite (57 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will use chemical and physical properties to identify an unknown powder.

  • Chemical Change, Classification of Reactions, Oxidation, Reduction, Redox Reaction, Electrons, Electron Transfer, Observations, Inferences, Chemical Change | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: One Tube Reaction Mark as Favorite (5 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will observe a chemical change involving oxidation and reduction.

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    Titrations, Limiting Reactant, Acid Base Reactions, Indicators, Chemical Change, Equivalence Point, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Chemical Change, Graphing, Error Analysis, Chemical Change, Error Analysis, Measurements, Concentration, Molarity | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Acid-Base Mole Ratio Mark as Favorite (13 Favorites)

    In this lab, students study several concepts, including acid-base reactions, limiting reactants, and stoichiometry, by observing the contained reaction of acetic acid (diluted vinegar) with sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda) in an unconventional, cost effective titration.

  • Chemical Change, Gas Laws, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Volume, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Project: Air Bag Stoichiometry Mark as Favorite (119 Favorites)

    In this lab, students make real-world connections of stoichiometry with the design of car air bags.

  • Chemical Change, Oxidation, Reduction, Redox Reaction, Electrons, Electron Transfer | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Old Rusty Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will explore the concept of oxidation of metals by creating designs on fabric or paper using rusty objects.

  • Chemical Change, Observations, Exothermic & Endothermic, Temperature, Chemical Change, Physical Change, Physical Properties | High School, Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Observing a Chemical Reaction Mark as Favorite (25 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will practice making careful observations and measurements while witnessing a chemical change.

  • Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Observations, Chemical Change | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: My Pennies Mark as Favorite (3 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will investigate how an acidic, vinegar based solution can help to get “dirty” pennies clean. Students will observe chemical change and investigate real-world connections to this lab.

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    Indicators, Le Châtelier's Principle, Acid Base Reactions, Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Limiting Reactant, Reaction Rate, Observations, Chemical Change | High School

    Demonstration: Milk of Magnesia Magic Mark as Favorite (87 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students will observe a color change in a milk of magnesia solution as vinegar is added.

  • Chemical Change, Combustion, Balancing Equations, Density, Specific Heat | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Methane Bubble (Dragon Ball Z) Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students will observe the combustion of a methane bubble. This exciting demonstration can be used as a dramatic and engaging introduction to the concepts of combustion reactions, chemical change, and balancing equations.

  • Conservation of Mass, Matter, Conservation of Matter, Conservation of Matter, Conservation of Mass, Balancing Equations, Chemical Change, Predicting Products, Experimental Design, Chemical Change, Observations | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Matter Matters Mark as Favorite (18 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will investigate the Law of Conservation of Mass.

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