Classroom Resources: Reactions & Stoichiometry

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26 – 50 of 66 Classroom Resources

  • Titrations, Indicators, Acid Base Reactions, Stoichiometry, Percent Composition | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: The Egg-straordinary Issue Mark as Favorite (72 Favorites)

    In this lab students will determine the percent composition of calcium carbonate contained in an eggshell by using a back titration in order to address a farmer’s concerns about his hen’s fragile eggs. Two versions of the student lab are included, a scripted version, and an inquiry version.

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    Gas Laws, Stoichiometry | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Carbonate Identification Mark as Favorite (32 Favorites)

    In this lab students use gas laws and stoichiometry, along with some balloons and simple measuring tools, to identify a metal carbonate from a short list of possibilities.

  • Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding, Molecular Formula, Naming Compounds, Stoichiometry, Limiting Reactant, Classification of Reactions | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Isn't it Ionic Mark as Favorite (48 Favorites)

    In this activity students will form ionic compounds and covalent compounds using clues and questions. Students are going to then develop their own stoichiometric problems and have other groups attempt to solve it.

  • Acid Base Reactions, Stoichiometry, Limiting Reactant | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Fizzy Drink Mark as Favorite (55 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will learn the properties of acid and bases while applying the principles of stoichiometry to calculate the amount of base needed to neutralize an acid completely and produce a bubbly drink.

  • Limiting Reactant, Dimensional Analysis, Stoichiometry | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Map to Solving Limiting Reactant Problems Mark as Favorite (16 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will learn how to follow a step-by-step problem solving method for limiting reactant stoichiometry problems. This method can be particularly beneficial for students who struggle with completing these calculations.

  • Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Dimensional Analysis | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Stoichiometry of Air Bags Mark as Favorite (86 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will be introduced to the concept of gram to gram stoichiometry calculations. Students will be guided through a scenario regarding air bags and will be tasked with calculating the amount of gas (NaN3) that must be used to inflate a vehicle air bag to the correct size. Follow-up practice problems are also provided.

  • Limiting Reactant, Conservation of Mass, Stoichiometry, Mole Concept | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Animation: Limiting Reactant Animation Mark as Favorite (53 Favorites)

    This animation explores what happens in a limiting reactant problem on the particulate level. Assembling a bike is used as an analogy to introduce the concept of limiting reactant, and then the balanced equation of the combustion of methane is used in four quantitative examples to show what it means for a chemical to be a limiting reactant. The concept of the conservation of mass is also demonstrated by calculating masses from the mole quantities of the reactants and products. **This video has no audio**

  • Limiting Reactant, Stoichiometry, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept, Scientific Method | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Limiting Reactants in Brownies Mark as Favorite (23 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will investigate the idea of limiting reactant using a brownie recipe.

  • Limiting Reactant, Percent Yield, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Measurements, Observations, Error Analysis, Separating Mixtures, Error Analysis, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Limiting Reactant Lab Mark as Favorite (69 Favorites)

    In this lab, students react copper(II) chloride with aluminum to determine the limiting reactant. They then isolate one product to determine their percent yield.

  • Limiting Reactant, Percent Yield, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Chemical Change, Error Analysis, Dimensional Analysis, Acid Base Reactions, pH | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Limiting Reactant in a Balloon Mark as Favorite (51 Favorites)

    In this lab, students perform a reaction between acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate and determine the amount of product formed and the limiting reactant.

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    Limiting Reactant, Percent Yield, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Net Ionic Equation, Concentration, Molarity, Precipitate, Solubility, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept, Observations, Graphing, Separating Mixtures, Identifying an Unknown | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: White Lab Mark as Favorite (50 Favorites)

    In this lab, students use molarity concepts to review limiting reactant concepts mathematically, conceptually, and graphically. They can then carry out a follow up investigation to identify an unknown using concepts learned in the first investigation.

  • Limiting Reactant, Balancing Equations, Stoichiometry, Observations, Chemical Change | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Observing the Limiting Reactant Mark as Favorite (12 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will be introduced to the concept of limiting reactants by applying various literacy strategies to a one-page informational text and through a short demonstration (or lab). The reading and demo will help students create connections between the macroscopic, particulate, and symbolic representations of chemical reactions and limiting reactants.

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    Limiting Reactant, Balancing Equations, Stoichiometry, Conservation of Mass | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Limiting Reactants Using Particulate Diagrams Mark as Favorite (36 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will practice drawing particulate diagrams to help them determine the limiting reactant given a certain number of reactant molecules. Students’ practice with particulate diagrams will help them better visualize and understand limiting reactant calculations. The visualizations provided in this activity are helpful at all levels, from beginning chemistry students up through AP chemistry students, who will need to be comfortable with particulate diagrams for the AP exam.

  • Combustion, Limiting Reactant, Catalysts, Gas Laws, Stoichiometry, Activation Energy, Enthalpy, Energy Diagrams, Experimental Design | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Launching Rockets Mark as Favorite (75 Favorites)

    In this lab, students create a stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases to launch a soda bottle rocket.

  • Molarity, Concentration, Saturated/Unsaturated/Supersaturated, Mole Concept, Dimensional Analysis, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Kool-Aid Mark as Favorite (68 Favorites)

    In this lab, students calculate grams of Kool-Aid powder required to make 3 different solutions of Kool-Aid (using the molar mass of sugar) with the following concentrations: 0.2 M, 0.5 M, and 1.0 M. Determine the concentration of properly prepared Kool-Aid through a taste test.

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    Titrations, Acid Base Reactions, Indicators, Chemical Change, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Concentration, Molarity, Error Analysis, Dimensional Analysis, Measurements | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Vinegar Quality Control Mark as Favorite (39 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will perform a titration of a vinegar sample to determine if it is it close to the concentration claimed on the bottle.

  • Limiting Reactant, Chemical Change, Conservation of Mass, Stoichiometry, Observations, Inferences, Chemical Change, Exothermic & Endothermic | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Introducing Limiting Reactants Mark as Favorite (14 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, the teacher will perform a series of reactions between acetic acid--vinegar-- and varying amounts of sodium bicarbonate --baking soda--in order to inflate several Ziploc bags. Students will observe the reactions and analyze the quantities of reactants used as well as the results in order to understand the concept of limiting reactants. Students will also determine if the reaction is an endothermic or exothermic process based on their observations.

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    Gas Laws, Percent Yield, Stoichiometry, Dimensional Analysis, Measurements, Error Analysis | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Ideal Gas Law Mark as Favorite (65 Favorites)

    In this lab, students use the reaction of an antacid table with water to inflate a balloon. They then use the ideal gas law to determine the number of moles of gas produced by the reaction.

  • Gas Laws, Ideal Gas, Volume, Temperature, Pressure, Kinetic Molecular Theory, Density, Graphing, Density, Chemical Change, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Chemical Change, Dimensional Analysis | High School

    Lesson Plan: The Gas Laws Unit Plan Mark as Favorite (86 Favorites)

    The AACT high school classroom resource library and multimedia collection has everything you need to put together a unit plan for your classroom: lessons, activities, labs, projects, videos, simulations, and animations. We constructed a unit plan using AACT resources that is designed to teach the Gas Laws to your students.

  • Identifying an Unknown, Culminating Project, Classification of Reactions, Experimental Design, Scientific Method, Interdisciplinary, Review, Balancing Equations, Stoichiometry, Concentration, Molarity | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: The Culminating Unknown Mark as Favorite (34 Favorites)

    In this lab, students identify an unknown from a list of 12 possible compounds by designing a procedure and using evidence to prove their claim. They must draw from knowledge gained throughout the year to properly develop a procedure to identify the unknown.

  • Limiting Reactant, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Mole Concept, Dimensional Analysis, Molar Mass | High School

    Activity: Sweet Stoichiometry Reactions Mark as Favorite (58 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will use candy to investigate stoichiometry and mole-gram relationships in chemical equations, but could also be used to introduce the concept of limiting reactants.

  • Stoichiometry, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: How to do Stoichiometry Problems Mark as Favorite (56 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students learn templates for performing stoichiometry problems. They then put the methods to the test with a practice worksheet.

  • Stoichiometry, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept, Gas Laws, Ideal Gas, Molarity, Concentration, Electrolysis, Electrons | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Stoichiometry Set-up Method Mark as Favorite (65 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will learn how to follow a process of visual cues in combination with a step-by-step problem solving method for different types of stoichiometric problems. This method can be particularly beneficial for students who struggle with completing multi-step calculations.

  • Solute & Solvent, Molarity, Tyndall Effect, Concentration, Stoichiometry, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Solubility & Solutions Mark as Favorite (21 Favorites)

    In this inquiry activity, students investigate types of solutions, identifying the solute and solvent, and classifying each solution. They them solve stoichiometry problems involving solutions of different concentrations.

  • Balancing Equations, Limiting Reactant, Stoichiometry, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept, Measurements | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: S'more Stoichiometry Mark as Favorite (59 Favorites)

    In this activity, students determine the number of graham crackers and chocolate pieces required to complete a “reaction” with a given quantity of marshmallows (the limiting reactant). They then use the same thought process with a problem involving a real chemical reaction.

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