Classroom Resources: Equilibrium

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    Establishing Equilibrium, Equilibrium Constants, Reaction Quotient, Graphing | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Shaking Dice to Model Equilibrium Principles Mark as Favorite (22 Favorites)

    In this activity, students work together in small groups using a variety of multi-sided dice to model the dynamic character of a chemical equilibrium. Students will collect, share and analyze data in order to understand that the rate of a chemical reaction depends on the concentration of reactants (and products) as modelled by the different sided dice.

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    Le Châtelier's Principle, Equilibrium Constants, Establishing Equilibrium, Reaction Quotient | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Le Châtelier's Principle Particulate View Mark as Favorite (15 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will gain a better understanding of how applying a stress to a reaction system will shift the equilibrium. The students will be able to predict the direction a reversible reaction will shift based of the value of the reaction quotient (Q) and the equilibrium constant (K). This activity should be completed after students have completed the activity “Equilibrium Particulate View.”

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    Establishing Equilibrium, Equilibrium Constants, Reaction Quotient | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Equilibrium Particulate View Mark as Favorite (15 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will gain a better understanding of what it means for a reaction to be in a state of equilibrium and how a reaction progresses over time to establish equilibrium. Students will also relate the equilibrium constant to the amount of products and reactants present at equilibrium.

  • Establishing Equilibrium, Equilibrium Constants, Le Châtelier's Principle, Reaction Quotient | High School

    Lesson Plan: Equilibrium Unit Plan Mark as Favorite (22 Favorites)

    The AACT high school classroom resource library and multimedia collection has everything you need to put together a unit plan for your classroom: lessons, activities, labs, projects, videos, simulations, and animations. We constructed a unit plan using AACT resources that is designed to teach equilibrium to your students.

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    Equilibrium Constants, Reaction Quotient, Activation Energy, Energy Diagrams, Catalysts, Enthalpy, Entropy, Spontaneous vs. Non-spontaneous Reactions | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Making Connections in Kinetics, Equilibrium and Thermochemistry Mark as Favorite (26 Favorites)

    In this lesson students will understand the connections between the equilibrium constant (K) and the reaction quotient (Q) as well as how they determine the favorability of a reaction. Additionally students will be able to determine if a reaction is kinetically favored or thermodynamically favored.

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    Equilibrium Constants, Reaction Quotient, Le Châtelier's Principle | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Q, K, and Le Chatelier Mark as Favorite (14 Favorites)

    In this lesson students practice applying Q vs K as an explanatory tool in a simulation and demonstration. In both activities, students will consider how a change in concentration of one species subsequently effects all the species as equilibrium is reestablished.

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    Equilibrium Constants, Le Châtelier's Principle, Reaction Quotient | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Equilibrium in a Beaker Mark as Favorite (68 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will model equilibrium reactions using plastic chips to represent atoms. The goal of the lesson is to connect the symbolic model of an equilibrium reaction to its particle model.

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    Establishing Equilibrium, Le Châtelier's Principle, Equilibrium Constants, Reaction Quotient | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Discovering Equilibrium Mark as Favorite (27 Favorites)

    In this lesson students manipulate sets of given conditions to discover what equilibrium is, and how the equilibrium is established from different starting conditions. Students then refer back to the activity as the foundation framework for the rest of Essential Knowledge 6.A, 6.B.1 and 6.B.2. This lesson focuses on both a qualitative and quantitative understanding of equilibrium.

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    Le Châtelier's Principle, Establishing Equilibrium, Equilibrium Constants, Reaction Quotient, Exothermic & Endothermic, Heat, Temperature | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: Le Châtelier’s Principle Mark as Favorite (29 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students will witness a system at equilibrium and apply different stresses to see how the equilibrium shifts.

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    Activation Energy, Temperature, Exothermic & Endothermic, Heat, Equilibrium Constants, Establishing Equilibrium, Le Châtelier's Principle, Reaction Quotient | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Reversible Reactions Simulation Mark as Favorite (34 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will investigate how temperature, activation energy, initial amounts of products and reactants, and type of reaction (exo- or endothermic) effect the equilibrium position of a reaction using a simulation.

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