Classroom Resources: Acids & Bases

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1 – 24 of 24 Classroom Resources

  • Chemistry Basics, Identifying an Unknown, Solutions, Solubility, States of Matter, Melting Point, Phase Changes, pH, Strong vs Weak, Observations, Molecular Motion | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Simulation Activity: Identifying Unknowns with Safety Data Sheets Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will use a simulation to learn about some of the sections of a safety data sheet (SDS) and how the information on SDSs can be used not only for safety purposes but also for identifying unknowns. Specifically, students will use “Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties” to distinguish between two or three substances with similar appearances in a variety of lab-based scenarios. Particle diagrams are also included to help students visualize the substances’ behavior on a particulate level.

  • pH, Temperature, Establishing Equilibrium | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Acidic Seas Emergency Lesson Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will learn about the pH scale, weak acids, gases, equilibrium, and climate change through reading the highly rated ChemMatters article, Acidic Seas: How Carbon Dioxide is Changing the Oceans. The lesson includes several activities to help promote literacy in the science classroom related to the reading. This lesson could be easily used as an emergency lesson plan for a substitute teacher, as most of the activities are self-guided.

  • pH, Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Reaction Rate | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Cheesy Science Emergency Lesson Mark as Favorite (1 Favorite)

    In this lesson, students will learn about pH, acids, bases, enzymes, and chemical reactions through reading the highly rated ChemMatters article, Cheesy Science. The lesson includes several activities to help promote literacy in the science classroom related to the reading. This lesson could be easily used as an emergency lesson plan for a substitute teacher, as most of the activities are self-guided.

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    Buffers, pH | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Assessing the Alkaline Diet Using a Buffer System Mark as Favorite (0 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will create a buffer that models the buffer system of human blood. They will then test the buffer system by adding lemon juice to simulate the consumption of acidic food. Analyzing the data collected in the lab will help students better understand the purpose of a buffer system. Additionally, students will evaluate the claim that the Alkaline Diet can make you healthier. This lab includes two student lab options—a general chemistry version, and an AP chemistry version.

  • Solubility, pH | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Investigating Ocean and Marine Algae Mark as Favorite (7 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will learn about coccolithophores, unicellular marine algae that inhabit the upper layer of the ocean. These phytoplankton form calcium carbonate, calcite, scales called coccoliths and are the biggest calcite producers in the ocean. First, students will observe photos of algal blooms of different types and analyze the photos for similarities and differences. Next, students will be introduced to types of marine algae including coccolithophores and to how ocean pH changes are impacting the availability of carbonate for use in the formation of calcite shells and coccoliths. Students will then plan and carry out a small-scale laboratory to investigate the relationship between the solubility of calcium carbonate and pH. To conclude, students will read an abstract of recent research into coccolithophores and ocean acidification and compare and contrast those findings with their own investigation’s results.

  • Concentration, Precipitate, Molarity, Molality, Conductivity, Colligative Properties, Boiling Point Elevation, Freezing Point Depression, Distillation, Culminating Project, Graphing, Accuracy, Error Analysis, Interdisciplinary, Mixtures, pH, Buffers, Boiling Point, Freezing Point, Phase Changes | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: Investigating Sea Water Mark as Favorite (20 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will consider their water footprint and means to obtain fresh water from seawater using a solar still. To understand the differences between fresh water and seawater, students will determine the composition of artificial seawater by using qualitative analysis to test for different ions in solution and calculate the molarity of different salts used in the recipe. Students will observe the effects of solutes in aqueous solutions by measuring conductivity and the freezing and boiling points of seawater and deionized water and determine total dissolved solids. In addition, students explore the buffering ability of seawater and the effect of carbon dioxide on its pH.

  • pH, Indicators | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Animation Activity: The pH Scale Mark as Favorite (14 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will view an animation that explores the fundamentals of the pH scale and how it is used to distinguish between acids and bases. They will see everyday examples of acids and bases and where they fall on the pH scale. The logarithmic nature of the pH scale is explained, and universal indicator is introduced as a way of identifying the pH of a substance. There is also a brief overview of the chemistry of acids and bases.

  • pH, Indicators | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Animation: The pH Scale Animation Mark as Favorite (11 Favorites)

    This animation explores the fundamentals of the pH scale and how it is used to distinguish between acids and bases. Students will see everyday examples of acids and bases and where they fall on the pH scale. The logarithmic nature of the pH scale is explained, and universal indicator is introduced as a way of identifying the pH of a substance. There is also a brief overview of the chemistry of acids and bases. This animation was featured in the November 2021 issue of Chemistry Solutions. **This video has no audio**

  • pH, Indicators, Chemical Properties, Physical Properties, Identifying an Unknown | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Pigment pH Puzzles Mark as Favorite (19 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will use their scientific detective skills to determine the identity of pigments used in various types of pH test strips based on how they each interact with several solutions of different pH values.

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    Review, Culminating Project, Mixtures, Separating Mixtures, Beer's Law, Concentration, Redox Reaction, Half Reactions, pH, Titrations, Buffers, Indicators, Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding, Alloys, Percent Composition, Le Châtelier's Principle, Enthalpy, Calorimetry, Conductivity | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lesson Plan: AP Chemistry Experimental Evidence Review Mark as Favorite (34 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will evaluate data from 16 simulated lab experiments that were designed to mirror the Recommended Labs from the College Board. Corresponding lab experiments and demonstration options have also been included for teacher reference.

  • Observations, Mixtures, Chemical Change, Physical Change, Chemical Change, pH | Elementary School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Demonstration: The Chemistry of Cheese Mark as Favorite (2 Favorites)

    In this demonstration, students will observe the chemical process that occurs when making cheese. Students will be become more familiar with fundamental chemistry terms while making important observations.

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    Indicators, pH, Acid & Base Theories | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Odorants as pH Indicators Mark as Favorite (13 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will observe how the aromas of common pantry items (vinegar, coffee, liquid aminos) change with pH, and relate these observations to their understanding of acid-base equilibrium.

  • pH, Acid Base Reactions, Acid & Base Theories, Strong vs Weak, History | Middle School, High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: What are Acids & Bases? Video Questions Mark as Favorite (25 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will watch a video and answer questions about acids and bases. They will learn about characteristics of acids and bases, the pH scale, and the role of acids in biochemistry.

  • Concentration, Physical Properties, Chemical Properties, pH | Middle School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Would You Drink it? Mark as Favorite (24 Favorites)

    In this activity, students are provided with data regarding the water quality at multiple locations throughout a city. Students will determine which location should be prioritized for cleaning of contaminates. Students will utilize Claim Evidence and Reasoning (CER) to develop a claim that is supported by the data provided.

  • Limiting Reactant, Percent Yield, Stoichiometry, Balancing Equations, Chemical Change, Error Analysis, Dimensional Analysis, Acid Base Reactions, pH | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Limiting Reactant in a Balloon Mark as Favorite (51 Favorites)

    In this lab, students perform a reaction between acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate and determine the amount of product formed and the limiting reactant.

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    Titrations, Strong vs Weak, Indicators, pH, Equivalence Point, Acid Base Reactions, Balancing Equations, Graphing | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Titration Curves Mark as Favorite (20 Favorites)

    In this lab, students graphically observe a plot of micro acid/base titrations and determine the equivalence point of each plotted curve.

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    Strong vs Weak, Indicators, Titrations, pH | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Titration Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will learn the difference between strong, weak, and concentrated acids by carrying out various titrations.

  • Acid Rain, Chemical Change, Acid Base Reactions, pH, Chemical Change, Classification of Reactions, Observations, Interdisciplinary | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Activity: Investigating Acid Rain Mark as Favorite (25 Favorites)

    In this activity, students will investigate the chemistry of acid rain through web based research. Students will also have the opportunity to observe the reaction between a common acid and a material in a week long simulation and relate their findings to the effects of acid rain.

  • Acid Rain, Acid Base Reactions, Chemical Change, Chemical Change, Indicators, Equivalence Point, pH, Concentration, Molarity | High School

    Lab: Seeing the Effects of Acid Rain Mark as Favorite (17 Favorites)

    In this lesson, students will prepare an environment and make acid rain to see how the acid rain effects the items in the environment.

  • Titrations, Indicators, Strong vs Weak, Equivalence Point, pH | High School

    Lab: Meet The Indicators Mark as Favorite (3 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will use their background with titrations to see how different indicators change colors at different pH's.

  • Solubility, Acid Base Reactions, Titrations, Indicators, Concentration, pH | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Alka-Seltzer & Gas Solubility Mark as Favorite (15 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will use a reaction to investigate temperature and the solubility of carbon dioxide and will use a neutralization reaction and an indicator to verify the amount of carbon dioxide produced at each temperature.

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    Limiting Reactant, Acid Base Reactions, Stoichiometry, Indicators, pH, Dimensional Analysis, Mole Concept, Measurements, Concentration, Molarity | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Acid/Base Stoichiometry Mark as Favorite (12 Favorites)

    In this lab, students experience a limiting reactant and can physically see the difference in amounts of product generated. They also see which reactant is in excess.

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    Strong vs Weak, Titrations, Acid Base Reactions, Equivalence Point, Indicators, pH, Concentration, Molarity, Measurements | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Lab: Acid Base Reactions Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

    In this lab, students will witness a reaction between an acid and base. One will be strong, and the other may be weak or strong--it's up to them to determine.

  • Acid & Base Theories, Acid Base Reactions, Acid Rain, pH, History, Interdisciplinary | High School

    Access is an AACT member benefit. Project: Acid Base Creative Letter Mark as Favorite (23 Favorites)

    In this project, students will compare and contrast the properties of acids and bases and define pH.

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