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Modeling the Bohr Model Mark as Favorite (6 Favorites)

PROJECT in Model of the Atom, Subatomic Particles, Bohr Model. Last updated January 30, 2024.


In this project, students will research the properties and uses of an element as well as create a 3-dimensional physical Bohr model of the element. Then students will create a video recording of themselves sharing the details of their model as well as required research findings.

Grade Level

Middle School

NGSS Alignment

This project will help prepare your students to meet the performance expectations in the following standards:

  • MS-PS1-1: Develop models to describe atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures.
  • Scientific and Engineering Practices:
    • Developing and Using Models
    • Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information


By the end of this project, students should be able to:

  • Explain the Bohr Model of the atom.
  • Articulate knowledge of the location and corresponding charges of each of the subatomic particles in an atom.
  • Create a physical model of an atom, using materials of their choice.
  • Describe the properties and uses of a given element.

Chemistry Topics

This project supports students’ understanding of:

  • Atomic Structure
  • Bohr Model
  • Subatomic Particles
  • Model of the Atom
  • Physical Properties
  • Chemical Properties


Teacher Preparation: minimal
Lesson: 1 week assigned as suggested below (teachers should modify as needed):

  • One class period to explain project requirements, assign element and begin research
  • Remainder of assignment completed as homework


  • Choice of materials (may be provided by teacher or student) for physical model
    • Examples: beans, coins, craft supplies, glue
  • Paper
  • Internet access
  • Device for recording presentation


  • No specific safety precautions need to be observed for this project.

Teacher Notes

  • Although the Bohr model is not the accepted model of the atom, it is important learning tool in the understanding of the atom and subatomic particles.
  • It is suggested that one class period be used for students to learn about the project requirements and begin planning. However, teachers should modify this as needed for their own students. It is important that students are given ample time to research, gather materials, create model, write their script, and record themselves.
  • It is suggested that teachers provide time in class for questions to support student work.
  • Limit students to choosing elements between atomic numbers 3 and 20. You may want to randomly assign atomic numbers in order to avoid many students choosing the same atom. Ions can be included as choices as well.
  • Teachers may want to consider allowing students to work in pairs for this project.
  • Students will create a video recording as part of this project. Although there are many ways that students can produce this short video, Flipgrid is a great choice. It is a free resource, all student videos can be organized by section, and as the teacher, you can choose to make the videos public or private. Note that by making the videos public would allow for a peer-review option, in which students can review feedback on a draft of their recording and then revise and upload a final video for the teacher.
  • Flipgrid also provides a customizable rubric the teacher can use for assessing student work. Here is an example:

Project Component
Explanation of Model: Model is clearly explained using appropriate scientific vocabulary.
Physical Model: Model shows the correct number and location of protons, neutrons, and electrons. There is a clear nucleus shown.
Properties and Uses: Element is correctly classified as a metal, nonmetal, or semimetal. Properties and uses are discussed.
Element Symbol: The correct form of the element symbol is used and the mass number and atomic number are accurate.

For the Student


In this project, you will create a physical Bohr model for an atom or ion using materials from home.

  1. Your first task is to choose an atom or ion that you want to represent. You may be randomly assigned the atom or ion by your teacher. The atom or ion must be between atomic numbers 3 and 20.
  2. Use ptable.com to find accurate isotopes of your element. Choose an isotope of the element to use in this project (you may want to choose the most abundant isotope, but you don’t have to).
  3. Be sure that you have enough supplies and space to show the correct number of subatomic particles, and organize their placement correctly.

Model Requirements

Below outlines what must be included in your physical model:

  • It must be a 3D model, not a flat 2D model.
  • The rules of the Bohr model must be followed in the model (nucleus, electron arrangement, energy levels, etc.)
  • The correct number and location of protons, neutrons and electrons in the atom or ion must be shown.
  • A key that identifies the parts of the model, including subatomic particles.
  • The mass number and abundance of your isotope should be shown.

Video Requirements

You will write a script and record a video. Here is what you should include in your video presentation:

  • Show your model and correctly describe it. The goal here is for you to show that you understand the Bohr model and use the correct scientific vocabulary.
  • Identify the atom.
  • Describe each subatomic particles in the atom, and the quantity of each.
  • Explain where this specific atom was found.
  • Draw and show the correct isotope symbol for your specific element following the format below:
  • Explain the meaning of an isotope is. Identify the mass number and atomic number and explain the meaning of each.
  • Identify your element as a metal, nonmetal, or semimetal and indicate where it is located on the periodic table (group and period).
  • Describe the properties and uses of your element.